Selling Artwork – Christmas 2017 Art Selling Season Starts Now
Sell More Artwork By Planning Ahead – One of my families favorite Christmas season movies is “Elf” and there is a scene at the end where Santa tells the elves “congratulations for a great Christmas”. They all cheer and then get back to work on next year’s Christmas! No rest for the weary at the North Pole.
A friend of mine is a product designer for the electronics industry. Early January he is always crushed with business producing mock ups for the February trade shows.
All across the toy industry, designers are finalizing their designs for next year’s toys which will be manufactured all summer. Cooking magazine art directors are putting the final touches on their Halloween photoshoots right now. Book publishers are meeting with Christmas themed book writers in late winter.
The point is that the Christmas selling season starts now – not in December 2017.
Missed Out On The Christmas Buying Spree? What Are You Going To Do About It
Ok, many of you are not experiencing a jump in sales this Christmas season and perhaps are discouraged by hearing about other artists enjoying increased sales this season. Let’s face it the moment after you congratulate someone on a sale, the first thought is what do they have that I ain’t got?
So what are you going to do about it to build your business up to be ready to take advantage of more sales next Holiday season? Are you just going to droop your head down and say whoa is me? Or are you going to make a plan? How about a real business plan? For many of us this is a business, its time to start acting as such.
1. Are you going to analysis your offerings and offer more of what people want to buy and less of what only you like?
2. Are you going to increase your social networking efforts?
3. Are you going to get an artist website and blog?
4. Are you going to increase the number of markets you participate in?
5. Are you going to improve your skills and offer better work?
6. Create more places where people can buy your work?
7. Communicate with potential buyers?
8. Stop spending valuable time commiserating with others who are not selling?
9. Stop blaming your lack of sales on things like the economy, or slow networks, or Amazon, or the world that is conspiring against you?
10. Are you going to DO SOMETHING about it?
How about it? Anyone got any action plans for 2017? You better because your competition does and they working hard to create great art and marketing for the upcoming Christmas season that starts today.

About the Author
Artist Edward M. Fielding is a successful artist/designer/photographer on Fine Art America, Pixels and other POD sites as well as an International stock image supplier whose work has been featured in magazines and on book covers around the globe. His whimsical books of dog photos can be found on