Hundreds of Followers See My Artwork
My portfolio on Fine Art America and Pixels recently reached a milestone of 900 followers. To earn hundreds of followers attention among the hundreds of thousands of artists on Fine Art America and its flagship site Pixels and to be found among the millions of images in the sites database required years of consistent work and work that catches people’s attention.

My Current Online Portfolio Stats
- Joined: 2011
- Followers: 904
- Visitors: 2,325,927
- Artwork sales: 1702
How To Get Hundreds of Followers to Your Artwork
Since joining Fine Art America and Pixels back in 2011 with 0 photographs for sale and 0 followers, I steadily build up my portfolio over these past seven years as well as gained followers. Since the beginning my portfolio greatly expanded, my work got better, my equipment got better, my skills got got better and my offerings expanded to include new locations such as Hawaii, Iceland as well as more photographs from around New England especially the back roads of Vermont and New Hampshire.
I’ve also expanded my marketing and networking to reach more people and potential buyers with my artwork and fine art photography as well as giving back to the community by producing how to and tip videos and blog articles.
During these past few years, I started and built bodies of work around specific subjects such as my vintage tractor series and my famous series of dog photography.
My collection of vintage cars caught in their native environment continues to grow as I seek out classic old cars to photograph around New England.
As you can see, it is all about creating great photographs and artwork and then building a community around your work. Segmenting your portfolio into interest groups and then finding those communities to support your efforts.
If you have dog photographs, find dog lovers. If you have old car photographs, find car enthusiasts.