My latest book cover rights managed licensing for “Written in the stars” or “Scritto Fra Gli Astri” by Jonathan Stagge. Cover photography by Edward M. Fielding
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Written in the stars

Back on newsstands this first month of 2015 a novel appeared for the first time in Italy in 1951 (“The Yellow Book” n. 123). Already reissued in 1978 with the number 301, the series Classics Yellow Mondadori presents again the third survey of the doctor Hugh Westlake:Written in the stars ( The Stars Death Spell , 1939) by Jonathan screeds .
From the back cover:
There are different ways of looking death in the face. Dr. Westlake, called by a strange phone call to rush into the night on the site of a traffic accident, it happens one really left. His car ends inexplicably broke down along the way, forcing him to walk for a short cut through the fields. That is how, by chance, she discovers a carcass almost overturned a car, crashed into a tree.Curious, is the same model of his. In the light of the torch immediately realizes that the driver, was disfigured, did not survive the impact. Particular equally curious, a first aid kit in all similar to his medical bag. Even the dress reminds him of one of his, in fact, is precisely the same. The license plate of the car? Same initials. And in the victim’s jacket there are letters addressed to Dr. Westlake … the same that he had read at breakfast. If it is not a hallucination, someone must have faked his tragic end. And perhaps this is his destiny written in the stars?
Here is the ‘ opening words : Looking back on those events, I could never do without associating new car. Actually, that incredible criminal machinations must have originated some time before, that is when the new car existed only in the imagination a bit ‘too optimistic of my little Dawn. This had made up his mind early spring , a day that had seen me put in the shed my old and battered four places. And when Dawn is thrown headfirst into a project, it is able to invest an incredible amount of energy. I had to go to the vigorous methods. – The children of the poor country doctors who allow themselves to suffer from bouts of megalomania then end with buscarsi some sound clout. Stop it, girl. And Please feel lucky if you can get a new toothbrush.Until I have paid the last installment of the unit for X-rays of my study, I do not want to hear about the new car. – Jonathan screeds is one of the pseudonyms adopted by Richard W. Webb (1901-1965) and Hugh C. Wheeler (1912-1987), both English, later naturalized American citizens. Famous especially with the alias Patrick Quentin and Q. Patrick , the duo has created a very successful partnership producing stories from the ingenious plot, full of twists, such as the series of nine novels whose protagonist Dr. Hugh Westlake. – Inside, the story Man dogs of Diego Of God . – Written in the stars Jonathan screeds (Classics Yellow Mondadori n. 1363), 182 pages, € 4.90 – Translation of anonymous