Rights Managed Stock For Book Covers and More
Royalty-free stock has is great when you need an inexpensive stock image and you don’t care if its been used before by other people. But for certain uses, such as a book cover, album cover or national advertising campaign you want something unique and exclusive. In these cases you want to license a rights managed stock image.
What is a Rights-managed stock image?
Rights Managed, or RM, in photography and the stock photo industry, refers to a copyright license which, if purchased by a user, allows the one time use of the photo as specified by the license. If the user wants to use the photo for other uses an additional license needs to be purchased. RM licenses can be given on a non-exclusive or exclusive basis.
My Rights Managed Portfolio on Arc Angel Images
The Arcangel photo library specializes in supplying inspirational, creative and unique stock imagery
to discerning picture buyers. Clients include international book publishers, record labels, advertising/
design agencies and magazine publishers. Arcangel represent some of the most imaginative and talented international photographers and artists
working in the industry today with over 190.000 online searchable images.

Link to the full portfolio of creative book cover designs.