When I was in the Boy Scouts we practiced different ways of starting a fire – matches, flint and steel etc.
One cool trick was putting a pile of dryer lint on top of a piece of steel wool and then touching a nine-volt battery to the steel wool. Shorting the battery would cause the steel wool to light up and then catch the dryer lint on fire.
Dryer lint is highly combustible. You don’t want it to collect anywhere in your house, especially near heat sources such as say a dryer.
2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss.
So be sure to clean out your dryer vents and the dryer itself multiple times a year to make sure you are not creating a build-up of lint. You will not only lessen the chance of fire but also make your dryer work more efficiently.
No need to call in expensive professionals. There are a couple of inexpensive tools that homeowners can use to clean out their own vents. One kit helps clean out the actual dryer and the other one helps to clean out the vent hose.