I’ve developed a technique for converting some of my original photographs in to a colored pencil like art that I like to use on certain images. Take this one for example:
“Splish Splash I was taking a bath” was inspired by the old historic cottage we rented on Prince Edward Island. The house had a small bathroom with shower squeezed into a space off the kitchen but upstairs they managed to fit in an old claw foot bath tub with a view of the ocean. I couldn’t resist using it as a staging area to create some images. I love the warm tones of the wooden floor contrasted with the white porcelain bathtub and the funny feet sticking over the edge.
“Running Free” began way before we drove up to Prince Edward Island. I remember from previous trips how often the island is bathed in a steady ocean wind. Usually you can ventilate the cottages simply by opening a window on both sides of the house. With this in mind I brought along an old curtain and coaxed one of my willing models to run along the beach with it.
Similarly, “Three Amigos” was conceived well before the trip. We went up to Prince Edward Island with my teen son and two of his friends. I wanted to capture an image of their feet dangling off a pier or deck. As soon as I saw this spot in North Rustico I knew it was perfect. The old wooden pier and dandling legs perfectly capture the idea I wanted to project. This was on day two of our week long trip and I thought we might get a chance to try this shot in several locations but we never got the chance. I’m glad I got it when I saw this spot.
This one of a woman walking on a pier captures a bit of an independent feeling. I get the feeling the woman is walking confidently towards what ever is ahead. I like the way the colors of her clothing match the colors of the landscape – sand brown top and ocean blue pants.
You can see all of my images using this effect in this gallery: http://edward-fielding.pixels.com/collections/colored+pencil+artwork