Here are a few methods for building your own firewood storage rack that will last longer and be studied than those cheap tubular steel racks that rust and twist over time. The first one uses these metal brackets which simplify the construction of a firewood storage wood rack and allow you to customize the length.

Tools to have on hand:
- Pressure-treated 2x4s from your local building supply store
- Drill and impact driver
- 3 1/2 inch exterior wood screws
- 2 1/2 inch exterior wood screws
- Chop saw or circular saw
- Concrete blocks

Using Bracket Kits to Build a Sturdy Firewood Rack
These heavy-duty firewood storage rack brackets make it easy to quickly build a sturdy firewood rack that will last a very long time plus they give you the flexibility to create a rack as short or long as you want.
If you want to get fancy you can combine several brackets to make a sectional rack or do as I did and use a second bracket kit to make a roof for your rack. Using four brackets and two more pressure-treated 2x4s makes for an incredibly sturdy rack. I was able to add a little roof to mine using some scrap pieces of metal roofing I had left over from a larger wood shed project.
These brackets are made from High-strength carbon steel and coated with electrostatic black powder-coated paint can effectively prevent corrosion and rust while resisting scratching and chipping.
Mr IRONSTONE Firewood Log Storage Rack Bracket Kit
- Adjustable Wood Rack Length Based on the Amount of Wood
- for Outdoor Indoor Patio Deck Metal Log Holder
Alternative Firewood Rack Plans Using Only Pressure Treated 2x4s
This method requires a bit more time and effort but it creates an inexpensive and sturdy firewood rack.
Don’t Buy Tubular Metal Firewood Racks
I’ve purchased cheap tubular metal firewood racks in the past and have been disappointed. The tubular metal is slippery, the wood wants to slide off and if you are building a rack with several sections, each connection wants to twist and pull apart. Over time the metal rusts and the joints expand making the whole thing rickety. There is nothing you can do except add a lot of duct tape and pray that your entire stack of wood doesn’t fall over.