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Fujitsu General ASU9RLS3Y Mini Split Heat Pump

Here is the mini split unit we have installed in the bedroom. This particular model number has been retired by Fujitsu, most likely replaced by an improved model.

This premium mini split unit comes with an impressively high-efficiency rating of 33 SEER that quite literally blows the competition away, and is among the top models of ductless mini split systems I’ve come across available on the market today.

Boasting the same inverter technology and advanced filtration as other Fujitsu mini splits, the 9RLS3Y also comes fitted with built-in Wi-Fi, allowing for complete comfort control through your phone or tablet- without even having to get up from your sofa! 

Feb 3rd 2023 – Arctic blast is expected today with temperatures headed to -15. Perfect time to test out this heat pump which is rated down to -15. Nice sunny day, the solar panels are producing nicely to run it.