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Full-Sized Candy Bars in a Time of Pandemic

Above: Vintage Candy Bars by Edward Fielding

You have gotta love BJs Wholesale Club during this pandemic, I know I do.

Masks required policy, wide open aisles, self-check out and large quantities of everything. Well, maybe not everything but most of the essentials.

Last trip I made to load up two large shopping carts with three weeks of groceries I notice they were changing things around and offering a different set of products.

One big change was in the candy aisle where someone had the bright idea to ditch those “fun bite” sized candies in favor of a lot more full sized bars.

Makes sense during a pandemic. Do I want to be grabbing a handful of “fun-size” Halloween type candy or go for the big guns? It not like with all of this walking I’ve been doing it won’t burn off anyway.

More candy art –