A global pandemic lock down is the perfect time to brush up on your cocktail making skills. Save money and stay safe by doing your own mixology at home. Learn about new and classic cocktails and explore new flavors and experiences while having fun learning a new skill.
Here are some of my suggestions for creating great cocktails at home.
Premium Cocktail Shaker Bar Tools Set
Set up your bar with the tools you need to create great craft cocktails with flair.
Classic Cocktails Chart
Decorate the bar with this awesome historic chart created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

The Ultimate Bar Book
All the recipes you need to explore the world of cocktails. Take your drinking experience beyond those tired old boring cocktails of ten years ago.
Cocktail Bitters
Intensify your cocktails with a variety of bitters.
Cocktail Cherries
The perfect cocktail cherries at a dash of flavor and a flash of red.
Cocktail Mixers
Pre-mixed cocktail mixers for quick and easy cocktails.
Summer Cocktail Mixers
Cocktail mixers specifically for hot summer nights.
Old Fashioned Syrup
The classic I always return to again and again – mix up a classic Old Fashioned cocktail with this premixed syrup. Just add your favorite bourbon.

Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki
Head to the tropical islands with these great Tiki Bar cocktails.
The right barware makes the drink. Serve up your cocktails with the correct glassware.