Tip for hanging artwork – Always hang your artwork at 57″ on center. Confused? “On center” means that the middle of the artwork is always at 57″ (obviously, the hook will be higher). Interestingly, the 57″ standard represents the average human eye-height and is regularly used as a standard in many galleries and museums.
I was relieved when I discovered this guidance, because it gave me a tool to help others as well. With clients, I often found that pictures, lovely as they could be, were often shockingly randomly hung.
57″ On Center
In addition to being a pleasing height, the 57″ on center tends to be a lot lower than most people naturally hang their artwork. People typically hang artwork too high. It also means that your artwork is going to hang in closer proximity to the other elements of your home, such as furniture, rugs, lighting, etc and will therefore “talk” to everything better and have a closer relationship, which is GOOD.
In addition, I have discovered is that if you stick to this standard, you create a harmony among ALL the pictures in your home, as they will all share a midline as you look around your home, no matter what outside dimensions may be. This creates harmony and is also VERY GOOD.