I recently licensed my leaf photograph for use on this new book.

Do you think that you have nothing Deaver not surprised? Can. This book.
Beginning this extraordinary krimirománu find my own at the end. At least according to the traditional rules of the genre. Which, however, Jeffery Deaver overturns on its head.
Gabriela McKenzie desperately waiting for news of her kidnapped daughter six years. Finally, the door opens. Do not enter the room but no police negotiator. It’s a kidnapper holding a gun.
Two days ago Gabriela lead a normal life. How is it possible that everything is suddenly so wrong? Not only has to pay half a million dollars as ransom, but must also surrender mysterious document entitled The October list. Never before heard of the deed. He knows only that belonged to the former chief, who fled before the police investigation to an unknown destination …
From Sunday evening to Friday morning unfolds cleverly constructed plot, in which the author makes us constantly reevaluate previously submitted facts. And if in the end finally complete picture arises happening, there is nothing to do but wonder at it, for what championship Deaver led the literary art of manipulation.
Leaf Study 4 part of a series of leaf photographs by Edward M. Fielding. Prints available via FAA – http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/edward-fielding.html?tab=artworkgalleries&artworkgalleryid=485327
A series of abstract black and white explorations with leaves.
Fielding licenses his work for CD/Album covers, book covers, magazine editorial usage and more via Arcangle Images at – http://www.arcangel.com/search?s=edward%20fielding