I’ll use this page list limited time promotions, coupons, special deals, savings, and discounts codes that can be used at edwardfielding.com
These deals are typically for particular artwork or photographs and for a limited time. The limited time promotions typically last only five days and are available to the first 10 to 25 collectors. Bookmark this page if you want to come back to see the latest offers on artwork and photography by Edward M. Fielding and Dogford Studios.
All offers come with a 100% money back guareentee and all orders ship from our production facility in North Carolina within one business day of your order.
Oct. 19 – Limited time promotion – https://pixels.com/weeklypromotion.html?promotionid=219781
Grapes Still Life with Olive Board Canvas Print
by Edward Fielding
Purchase a 20.00″ x 24.00″ stretched canvas print of Edward Fielding’s Grapes Still Life with Olive Board for the promotional price of:
Free shipping on all prints, framed artwork, pillows, totes, bags, rugs, clocks and more from portfolio on Society6:
Free Worldwide Shipping is on now thru Sunday, 3/20 @ midnight PT.
First Spring Daffodil Canvas Print
by Edward Fielding
Purchase a 30.00″ x 40.00″ stretched canvas print of Edward Fielding’s First Spring Daffodil for the promotional price of: $175
March 16, 2016 – Limited Time Promotion
Osprey Surprise Party Card 8 x 10 inch Stretched Canvas Print
by Edward Fielding
Purchase a 8.00″ x 10.00″ stretched canvas print of Edward Fielding’s Osprey Surprise Party Card for the promotional price of: $50
March 15, 2016 – Discount code for any tote bag, pillow, card or canvas print from Edward M. Fielding’s portfolio on Pixels.com: DXPSAM
March 15, 2016 – http://pixels.com/weeklypromotion.html?promotionid=190951
Old Green Pickup Truck Canvas Print by Edward Fielding
Purchase a 24.00″ x 36.00″ stretched canvas print of Edward Fielding’s Old Green Pickup Truck for the promotional price of: $110

List of promotion offers on artwork and photography by visual artist Edward M. Fielding including canvas prints, prints, matted and framed artwork, tote bags, pillows and more fulfilled by Fine Art America, Pixels.com, RedBubble and Society6.