Now this could only happen to a guy like me And only happen in a town like this So may I say to each of you most gratefully As I throw each one of you a kiss
This is my kind of town, Chicago is My kind of town, Chicago is My kind of people too People who smile at you
The Marina Towers are two corn cob-shaped condominium buildings that are located along the north bank of the Chicago River. At the time of their completion in 1962, the two towers were both the tallest residential buildings as well as the tallest reinforced concrete structures in the world. Fine art photograph by Edward M. Fielding –
And each time I roam, Chicago is Calling me home, Chicago is Why I just grin like a clown It’s my kind of town
And each time I leave, Chicago is Tuggin’ my sleeve, Chicago is The Wrigley Building, Chicago is The union stockyard, Chicago is One town that won’t let you down It’s my kind of town
Source: LyricFind Songwriters: Jimmy Van Heusen / Sammy Cahn
Art film of the elevated trains of Chicago’s “Loop” by Edward M. Fielding.