The Old 1940s Hudson Coupe
Back in the day, any one with a bunch of extra cash could jump into the brand new automobile industry. Numerous brands of cars started and were later gobbled up by a trend in consolidation of the auto industry. One of those early brands was “Hudson”, started by Joseph L. Hudson, a Detroit department store entrepreneur and founder of Hudson’s department store, who bankrolled and gave the name to the company.
The Hudson Motor Car Company made Hudson and other brand automobiles in Detroit, Michigan, from 1909 to 1954. In 1954, Hudson merged with Nash-Kelvinator Corporation to form American Motors (AMC).
One of the stand out cars from Hudson was this 1941 beautiful coupe.

Wandering around White River Junction, Vermont one day I spotted an old wreck of a 1941 Hudson Coupe in a lot full of old junkers in various states of decay. Some serious restoration work would have to be done to get this car back into any shape resembling the original.
Even in this snow covered lot, with weeds growing through the floor boards, the missing headlights and the tarnished chrome and rusty body, the beauty of the lines of this old classic car showed through.
I visited this spot in a variety of season, each time I was attracted to the curves of the old Hudson.
I returned to the lot on a number of occasions over the years but then a new bridge was put in between White River Junction and West Lebanon right near this lot and the auto repair place next to it was taken down to make way for some office buildings, so the cars disappeared.
I keep my eye out for that old Hudson and its companion the old Plymouth as well as the old Ford and other cars that sat in that lot waiting for the right time or person to restore them to their former glory or donate their parts for some project or another.
About the Artist
Recently I was one of the featured artists in the PhotoReel art show at Gallery W at the Whitney in the Berkshires.
In addition to fine art photography, I enjoy being a staff educator at the AVA Gallery and Arts Center in Lebanon, NH teaching creative technology such as Scratch and Lego Mindstorms robotics to elementary and middle school children.
Many of the images featured here on Fine Art America are available for rights managed licensing for book covers and other projects from Arc Angel Images –
All work in this gallery is the original work of Edward M. Fielding. It is for sale, copyrighted to Edward M. Fielding and, as such, is protected by US and International Copyright laws.