Above: Fall Foliage in Norwich, Vermont by Edward Fielding – https://edward-fielding.pixels.com/featured/1-autumn-splendor-edward-fielding.html
There are well-known photo spots in Vermont. Iconic spots such as Peacham, Sleepy Hollow Farm and Jenne Farm where photographers from all over the world stand tripod to tripod to capture the same image that has been photographed and seen over and over on Instagram and in calendars, magazines or on Flickr.
But truly special images from Vermont come from spending time actually looking around and really seeing Vermont beyond the well-worn subjects and tourist discovered spots. Jenne Farm, for example, has even become a bus stop these days!
The essence of Vermont is not in a few iconic spots photographed over and over. I encourage photographers of Vermont to seek out their own views of this rural landscape. Go beyond the covered bridges and calendar farms.