Rather than spraying nasty, cancer-causing chemicals that do who knows what to the environment, try some more natural weed killers based on vinegar. Household vinegar has an acetic acid concentration of about 5 percent. Acetic acid is a desiccant, meaning that when sprayed on the surface of a plant, it draws moisture out of the leaves, killing the top growth. Most effective on small or new weeds, it kills the top easily enough. These vinegar-based weed killers contain much stronger acids than household vinegar. These treatments are “nonselective,” which means that it will kill any plant it is applied to so be careful not to spray your prized flowers.
Energen Carolina LLC 578 Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer Approved for Organic Production Pet Safe Glyphosate Free Herbicide, Gallon 1
About this item
- Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer is a quick-acting, non-selective contact herbicide. Use on crabgrass, clover, dandelions, and ground ivy.
- Safe to use for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural application. Apply where weeds and grass are not wanted. Use on driveways, sidewalks, concrete, animal enclosures, mulch beds, pavers, flower beds, parking lots, barnyards, fence rows and roadways.
- This product is concentrated and is safe when used according to label directions. Once dry, pets and children can use areas where the application was made.
- Weed Control For Organic Production- This product is a contact herbicide containing an organic acid for which the residues degrade promptly in the soil. Foliar contact results in rapid desiccation and control of annual weeds and grasses. Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer may be applied up to two days before harvest.
- This product is a great alternative to herbicides that contain glyphosate.

Question: Is it safe for flowers & shrubs?
Answer: No. I kills basically all plants. I use it on the weeds that grow up in my paver patio.. Works almost as well as Roundup but is much safer for kids, pets and bees.
Question: What is different about this vinegar than what I can buy at the grocery store. Especially, if this is diluted to a 20% consistency.
Answer: This is 100% acetic acid. Typical vinegar for human consumption is about 3%. Acetic acid for weed control is typically about 20%, cleaning vinegar is about 40%. I dilute this with 3 parts water to make 4 gallons of vinegar for weed control.
I moved into a house that has a lovely garden with concrete pebbled pathways. Spring brought an army of weeds in the pathways.
I tried Round Up and it didn’t make much of an impact. This stuff however, kills weeds There’s a tissue Be aware it also kills plants.
So if you can isolate the weed from the grass/plant than this is a good match for you. We used it with a sprayer at full strength. It does have the vinegar smell for a while.
I would hesitate to have anyone with breathing issues or breathing affected by allergies use this as it is so acidic. We used masks but still think I may have breathed some in. I don’t know how long it will be keep the weeds at bay but overall, I’m pleased it’s been so effective. It is pricey but for us was worth it.
Actual user
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Why use organic weed killers? To save the bees!
About commercial (glyphosate) herbicide.
Unlike vinegar or salt, which are topical, glyphosate herbicides are systemic. The chemicals are absorbed into the plant, spreading throughout the entire plant and down into the roots. Glyphosate herbicides (such as roundup) have been shown to be particularly toxic to bees.