I’ve been fantasizing about adding a bay to the garage to house a future collection of pinball machines. I’m maxed out with five in the lower level of the house and with retirement on the horiz0n, having some space to collect some more machines is enticing.
So far I’ve insulated the garage for use as a pinball renovation space but need to park the cars in there in the wintertime. Plus there is still a lot of junk in there. Best idea I have for more space is adding an addition on to the garage.
This addition could be used by a future homeowner as a workshop, storage, yoga studio, art studio, photography study, home office, plant growing, YouTube creator space or what have you.
Basically 16 x 24. Fifteen feet is considered necessary for two rows of pinball machines with the ability to slide off the glass without hitting anything.
I’d have a wide door in to the garage for moving pinball machines in and out.
- Space for a minimum of five-seven pinball machines
- Chill space
- Mini-split for heat and air conditioning (middle of room left)
- Super-insulated for low heating and cooling costs
- Power outlets at higher than standard height for pinball machines (fewer cords visible)
- Outlets for TV (sports – video game hook up)
- No windows. This space is for games, not looking out the windows and needs to be energy efficient.
- Right wall – accent wall of wood siding of the existing garage.
Here are a few configurations I’ve come up with. Need space in the lower right for the door to the garage. Probably space to wipe ones feet and hang a coat.
Going from the top right. 12 is probably the max number of pinball machines the space can hold if one really got out of control. What ar the chances?
Top left has a nice collection of nine machines plus a generous chill space and TV for sports or video gaming.
I like the idea of a chill space for between game time, or for non-players to hang.
Bottom right has the same nine pinball machines with a different chill area.
Bottom left is more of a complete arcade experience with room for five pinball machines, three upright arcade machines, a 9ft shuffleboard table and still some space for video gaming. The arcade machine or shuffle board could be replaced with a bar or perhaps a gaming table.

Pinball machine dimensions: https://www.dimensions.com/element/pinball-machines#:~:text=Pinball%20machines%20vary%20between%20machines,75.5%E2%80%9D%20(192%20cm).