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Recent Sales: Dead Bird

Photography Prints

I recently sold a few prints of this image called “Mirror Mirror” on Fine Art America. Its the same one that was licensed to the new EP by the band “Remembering January”

This image appears on the next CD from the band Remembering January a “back woods funk and blues” band from Chatsworth, GA.


Available for rights managed licensing via Arcangel:
Two dead birds. Fine art photography by Edward M. Fielding

What does one do when nature offers up one of its own?

This poor bird broke its neck with a thud against my window. In death this tragic result of not being able to differentiate reflection from reality was sad yet beautiful at the same time. Song birds represent fragility of our natural world. They are often the victims of cats, cars, windows and larger birds. In some countries people actually catch and eat these tiny birds by the dozens in a single sitting.

I saw this death as an opportunity to capture some of the fading beauty. This image available on Fine Art America takes a single black and white capture of the bird, mirrors it, not unlike the mirror effect that lead to its demise.

I also created two new t-shirt designs based on the image:

This one features white ink on a dark background (you can change the background!):

Photography Prints

This one features black ink on whatever background you choose:

Photography Prints