End of a long photography day, wind is starting to whip up and the temperature is dropping, when I come upon the breakwater and the two shipwrecks at low tide. Whoa! Now here is something you don’t see every day. I shoot the closer one….

and then head out to the far one – man, is that a long way when it is freezing and you are trying to keep from breaking an ankle but just have to get that shot, then make the long way back.
I swear on the way back my eyes were watering so much that my vision was blurry. I’m looking down at my feet trying to walk as fast as I can, stepping from rock to rock hoping I don’t misstep and twist an ankle. Between my progressive lenses and the water pooling at the bottom of my eyelids, I’m getting kind of blurry eyed but I’m also freezing so I want to get back to the car as soon as possible.

More Cape Cod Photographs here – https://edward-fielding.pixels.com/art/cape+cod