Horse Barn Sunset
I recently sold a 16.000″ x 12.000″ print of Horse Barn Sunset to a buyer from Sioux Falls, SD.
Horse Barn Sunset
- Image Size: 16.000″ x 12.000″
- Total Size: 25″ x 21″
- Print Material: Luster Photo Paper
- Frame: PEC6 – Plein Air Economy – Espresso Gold (PEC6)
- Top Mat: Ivory
- Bottom Mat: Fudge
- Finishing: 1/8″ Clear Acrylic – Foam Core Mounting

The story behind Horse Barn Sunset goes something like this – we had recently moved to the Upper Valley region to Hanover, NH from Mount Desert Island, Maine. We wouldn’t have made the move if my wife’s old friend Ben encouraged her to take the job at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Ben is friend and previous co-worker from the old days in the Boston area.
Ben and his wife Ellen moved to Royalton, Vermont a number of years ago and renovated an old farm house, built a horse barn and now have a collection of horse carriages and participate in competitive carriage driving events.
They invited us over for dinner on late fall day when the beautiful Vermont autumn was still in its glory. I asked if they would mind us coming over early so we planned to get there before the sun set but it took us longer than we planned and arrived when the sun was nearly gone.
I and my camera of course, jumped out of the car and took some pictures, leaving my wife and son to handling the greetings. I managed to grab a few photos of the horse barn from the outside and inside before the light faded and then had time to be gracious to my host.
This photo from inside Ben’s fine horse barn has sold a number of times. It was a tricky capture with the dark interior of the horse barn and the bright foliage outside in the yard. It took a lot of post processing work to preserve the details of the buildings structure and even a horse in one of the stalls.
Outside the foliage of the autumn season is still brilliant in the fading sun on a wonderful fall evening in the Upper Valley, sharing a meal with friends.