One of my pet peeves is not knowing what household things do what. For example: So I’ve been on a labeling kick. I started out…
Comments closedTag: home
I have a spot near the front entrance where the metal roof drops rain, snow and ice — right where vistors and the UPS delivery…
1 CommentWhen it comes to working in tight spaces like in a car engine or fixing a pinball machine, no doubt you’ve run into situations where…
Comments closedWe found these great old folding wooden theater seats at the Andover Historical Society’s barn at Potter Place. Located near the old historic train station…
Comments closedI have two issues with outdoor furniture – storage and weather. I don’t have a shed to store a bunch of outdoor furniture and my…
Comments closedHere are a few methods for building your own firewood storage rack that will last longer and be studied than those cheap tubular steel racks…
Comments closedNow that we’ve installed our rooftop solar array it’s time to put all of the electricity to use and lower our dependence on fossil fuels.…
Comments closedI’ve owned two houses in the past with propane-powered automatic backup generators and I’d never go that route again. Natural gas, oil or propane backup…
Comments closedFine art prints at a bit of splash to your home decor Putting up a wall-mounted TV is an easy way to add a little…
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