You’ve seen the ads for EVs like the Ford F150 providing backup power for your house during a power outage but what if you could use your ICE or regular old gasoline-powered vehicle to provide some backup power to your house?
You can with the CarGenerator 1000 Watt Inverter Generator. The CarGenerator connects to your car battery and uses the running car’s alternator to provide up to 1,000* watts of power.
*Your vehicle at idle can generate about half of your alternator’s rated capacity. If you call your vehicle dealer, parts dept, they will tell you the rated amps of your alternator. Reduce that by half for idle speed, the multiply by 12 volts = the approximate watts you can expect from your specific vehicle.
Pure Sine Wave Inverter – Your Own Backup Power Station – Perfect for Camping, Roadtrips, Fun Outdoor Adventures – Lightweight and Reliable for Emergencies
Just make sure your car is full of gas before any storm and have some extra gas on hand in case you accidentally run your tank empty.