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The Past Buried

Buried in the past is where it is kept, but things buried have a habit of crawling from the dust around these parts.

Secrets kept hidden by blood oaths, handshakes in the dark and simply that certain look that is understood by both parties involved in the dark deed.

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Is it a crime if all involved come to an understanding of what is best? A situation to be dealt with, quickly, with certain, and with a form of justice that doesn’t require anyone except those in the room or outback among the thick trees, far from earshot of any nosy witnesses.

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Situation arises and solutions present themselves without a lot of hand-wringing and second-guessing. People know who knows and know what will happen if other people become aware. Let this be an example. The score is known and the threat is real and unspoken.

Let it in the past, die with the knowledge and try to ignore dwelling on the deed. Drinking helps but it’s only a temporary escape. Keep busy. Keep your head down. Don’t cause any unwanted scrutiny.

Moving away seems like a fantasy. You can’t monitor the situation from afar. Your presence is the check in place that keeps the cork on the bottle.

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There is no real plan for when the past breaks out of the shallow grave. One can’t predict the future or control all circumstances. The deed was done on the fly, the plan was hatched in reaction to the situation. A stray dog scratching at the earth, a foundation poured, a tree blown over in a storm – anything is possible and not crime remains unsolved forever.

by Edward Fielding, 2021

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