Where I live in New Hampshire, 83% of the land is forested. Of course it wasn’t always this way. Only about a 100 years ago or so it was nearly deforested as timber companies clear cut mountaintops and farms dotted the landscape. But now the forests have reclaimed most of the landscape.
Makes for a beautiful fall foliage season but after awhile it gets a bit claustrophobic. I fine myself in the need of some more vast views either seaside where the ocean views end at the horizon or some place like Iceland where the harsh climate favors small shubs and lava rock over trees. Or Big Sky country in Montana where ranch land stretches out to the Rocky Mountains.
The southwest desert regions of the USA provides a welcome change of pace for any eastern dweller. The landscapes are so unworldly, rocky and colorful. Photography subjects are that much easier to compose and the beautiful desert light isn’t full of contrast shadows.
Here is a sampling from some of my portfolio of work taken in the desert regions of Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

Whimsical Western Town The Lost Virgin Mine – https://edward-fielding.pixels.com/featured/whimsical-western-town-the-lost-virgin-mine-edward-fielding.html

Abandoned Home Widtsoe Ghost Town Framed Print – https://edward-fielding.pixels.com/featured/abandoned-home-widtsoe-ghost-town-edward-fielding.html