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Will we ever acheive the idealism of Star Trek?

The human race seems doomed lately. Greed over charity. Racism over acceptance. We have a wanna-be dictator and his corporate raider chum slashing through the Federal government and ripping up decades of foreign policy designed to prevent the next world war.

We have an agenda in Washington hell bent on excellerating climate change and removing all progress made with greener sources of energy.

For Trekkies, there has always been a belief in a better future. One in which the basical human needs for food, shelter and safety were met and human’s actively sought out other races to bring into the Federation of Planets.

Those who choose to live in a symbiotic relationship for the good of all and to help protect against those war mongering type of species who sought to do harm.

Value is placed on service to others, expertise, knowlege, bravery. Humans or otherwise who are willing to sacrifice for the betterment of their fellow man.

It was a radical concept back in 1966 when Star Trek made it’s debut. It wasn’t a hit from the start but found a following. And that following has grown and expanded over the years to include more TV series, cartoons and several movie series.

Star Trek, in its various iterations, offers several compelling reasons why it can be seen as a role model for humanity:

  1. Exploration and Curiosity: Star Trek emphasizes the human drive to explore the unknown, to seek new knowledge and understanding. This reflects our innate curiosity and encourages us to push the boundaries of what we know.
  2. Diversity and Inclusion: The franchise consistently portrays a future where humanity has overcome divisions based on race, nationality, and other differences. The crews of Starfleet vessels are diverse, showcasing cooperation and respect among individuals from different backgrounds.
  3. Diplomacy and Peaceful Solutions: Star Trek often prioritizes diplomacy and peaceful resolutions over conflict. Characters strive to understand other cultures and find common ground, promoting the idea that understanding and cooperation are essential for progress.
  4. Scientific Advancement and Progress: The show celebrates scientific inquiry and technological advancement, highlighting the potential for progress to improve our lives and expand our understanding of the universe.
  5. Ethical Considerations: Star Trek frequently grapples with complex ethical dilemmas, forcing characters (and viewers) to consider the consequences of their actions and the importance of moral principles.
  6. Optimism and Hope: Despite facing numerous challenges, Star Trek generally maintains an optimistic outlook on the future, suggesting that humanity is capable of overcoming obstacles and creating a better world.

It’s important to note that Star Trek is a fictional universe, and its portrayal of humanity is idealized to some extent. However, the show’s enduring popularity and cultural impact suggest that its vision of a more enlightened and cooperative future resonates with many people.

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